Who do you think is cooler? Justin Bieber or Robert Pattinson (this is Edward from the movie "Twilight")

 Alaya Vienna
Who do you think is cooler? Justin Bieber or Robert Pattinson (this is Edward from the movie "Twilight")


Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova
Robert Pattison. There were bad rumors about Bieber.

Sergey Saprygin
Robert. Good actor. I have reviewed all the films with his participation.

Better than boiled eggs!

Artrocyte Ontogeizyan
I personally like acorn

A degenerate boy or a slick actor? Let me see.. . Nobody. Although they revolve in different areas and it’s silly to compare them at all

Escobar's help is needed here.

Milana Lomidze
Robert Pattison

Happiness in the arms
One singer, the second actor. They do different things. And comparing them to each other is wrong. But neither for music nor for cinema, they both mean nothing.

Anya Ulych
NOBODY!!! BOTH TERRIBLE, one on the blue writhing, and the second on the alcoholic. Best of all is Jensen Ackles and Ian Somelhalder

Selena Gomez
they are quite different

Ekaterina Gashik
well, if you choose .... definitely not Bieber

Natalya Ruvinskaya
weird comparison... Nobody is cooler...


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