I ask you to answer from personal experience, if this was "why is the eclipse dreaming?" please do not associate with the movie "twilight" .

 little flour
I ask you to answer from personal experience, if this was "why is the eclipse dreaming?" please do not associate with the movie "twilight" ... +
I didn’t watch and I’m not going to watch because I’m not interested in this teenage herd movie. and the age is not the same and the interests are completely different. i dreamed that it was dark, like evening and cloudy, I looked at the sky and there the full moon was covered with a dark spot like an eclipse, only it lasted for several minutes. having covered completely, so that only the light rim remained, everything opened again and it became light and bright as on the warmest and sunniest day. I also thought "I must have looked at a lunar eclipse, but it turned out to be solar." I didn’t watch on purpose, but just looking at the sky I saw, I remember that someone seemed to be nearby, i.e. I was not alone on the street, maybe one of my relatives or friends, I don’t remember exactly. I just ask you not to quote dream books, because I myself have already read there everything comes down to illness and death. I was just wondering if anyone else had such dreams and what followed them, what events, maybe someone remembers and can explain.


• Seeing an eclipse in a dream is a sign of temporary difficulties. Such a dream indicates that the difficult period will end pretty soon, unless you yourself become discouraged and give up. • The wind during an eclipse or animals raging with fear are a symbolic reflection of negative emotions that can capture you during a period of temporary difficulties, thereby causing even more trouble.

Dauren Omarkhanov
I have had! True, I was lucky to discover something new for myself!

Hello experience. Eclipse dreams of difficulties in life. Not illness, not death - namely, difficulties in life. The difficulties will turn out to be greater than you expected, but in the end you will overcome. specifically, examples. people dreamed about this before a conflict at work, in the family, one of the people had financial difficulties.

Mood Elemental
I believe that this is to adverse consequences, but you were not alone in a dream, which means that the "eclipse" will not spread to you alone. And if you say how my inner "I" thinks, then spit: a dream is like a dream! I don’t pay much attention to them, I don’t even remember today ... )))

Ivan the Unremembering

Sergey Polyakov
Temporary termination of family support.

Teresa Slavovich
This happens when neighbors cause damage

sleep is not good. you need to do cleansing. there is negativity.

Don't mislead yourself. It does not mean anything, just like signs, rituals, prayers ... and. etc.

Support Team
cool dream! I believe your unconscious is coming out. now it's up to the little things - to explore it with the help of your own consciousness, to look deep into yourself and explore its depths. this is an important dream ^_^

Ivano Frankovna
Everything is fine with you, it has nothing to do with any bad omens. Just forget it and do not attach any importance to it, and do not turn to charlatans and dream books.

Sometimes such a dream means the illness of a loved one or disaster. war. famine or major political events. (if this is not connected with the full moon the day before).


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