Please recommend a movie or series.

 Masha Katrawi
Please recommend a movie or series.
Recommend a movie or a TV series. To make it easier for you to search, here are 3 of my favorite films and 3 of my least favorite. Favorite: Kyle X Ygrik, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood. Dislikes: Blood Ties, Twilight, Being Human. Arenting for my taste, please suggest something interesting)) Thank you in advance)!


Daria Sergeevna
Watch Supernatural, Edge, Bones, Smallville

Van Helsing is a good movie.

4400 Supernatural Edge

Try watching Hangar 13. there are looking for objects with mystical power. I liked it very much.

Dmitry Pakhomov
Twilight in Valmont, Dead Zone (by King), Crawl Hospital (by King), Gateway, Bermuda Triangle, Survivors, Haven (writer by King)

Boby Leay
Supernatural - although I think you have already watched this series, but if not, then watch it faster. you won't be sorry Edge Medium-name speaks for itself again. Ghost Whisperer - The name speaks for itself. the main character helps the ghosts complete their unfinished business. Bones-there is a group of forensics investigating murders, nothing to do with mysticism, but addictive little by little

Bondarchuk Evgeny
Supernatural is a good show. The Walking Dead is good too. =)