What series about vampires do you know, can you recommend??) In addition to the Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries, Buffy .... = b

 Uliana Boychuk
What series about vampires do you know, can you recommend??) In addition to the Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries, Buffy .... = b


Olya Keralin
The movie "vampire hickey" will soon be released in the cinema, according to the advertisement it's cool.

User deleted
real blood and kinchik cool wolfmanhttp://www.kinoboom.com/Horror/Wolfman2010/prod_10767.html

mountain snake
In the moonlight (Moonlight) - the best series about vampires

Dorozhkina Irina
twilight in valmont blood bonds to be human

MeLom@nKa *****
"Blade" "Blade 2" "Blade 3")))))

Victoria Gritsuk
SPLIT. Mystery of blood. Real blood. Clan of vampires. In the moonlight Being human. Ties of blood.

Shilnikova Lena
Angel, Moonlight (In the Moonlight), Valmont, True Blood.

marguba dezhaeva
The taste of night

laur maruschak
another world blade

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