Why is our reality so boring

 Karina Maranyan
Why is our reality so boring
I'm not talking about the fact that I'm bored, nothing happens, etc. I'm talking about the lack of magic, magic, all sorts of interesting creatures. Watching all sorts of fantastic series and films, like The Witcher, Twilight, I am torn apart by the feeling that in our world everything is much more boring, there is nothing that is there. Perhaps we are ordinary people and magic is inaccessible to us, but the realization that I will never encounter this disappoints me very much. What do you think, does magic exist in our world, because most phenomena are explained by science other senses)


Count de Wall
Enthusiastic child. A little silly but not evil))))

magic is good and understandable, but where does the licentiousness in the socket come from?

Bojack horse
Go to TNT in the groin will teach you magical magic

Rex Sky
What makes you think it's not there? It may well exist and paranormal phenomena happen in the world quite regularly. I think many people have acquaintances who have encountered something beyond the knowledge of science.

Ekaterina Shevchenko
What happens in life, no films will come up with. Some people have worse lives than movies

Tatiana Semiletova
Magic does not exist, as well as the "other world" after death. I understand that I cruelly "broken off" you, but you are already a big girl, it's time to stop believing in fairy tales.

Sergo of Rivia
Life is unpredictable. Saying you won't experience it is like saying you'll never be in space. Sometimes life is turned upside down, so you can expect anything. I believe in it

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