movies and series similar to the movie twilight


 Edem Faithful
movies and series similar to the movie twilight


The Vampire Diaries

★rich★ bich
wolf cub

User deleted
"in the flesh" only there are not vampires but zombies who were cured but still caused fear and disgust in ordinary people. the story of one boy whose sister was in resistance and her brother ate his girlfriend but then underwent a course of treatment and returned home.

Irina Dorozhkina
Real blood

. .
The warmth of our bodies.

Olivia Frazier
TV Shows: Supernatural The Vampire Diaries Original Zombie Me Arrow Flash Castle Bones Teen Wolf Pretty Little Liars The X-Files Daredevil Damien Sleepy Hollow Supergirl Stitchers Outlander Humans Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in Wonderland The 100 Legends of Tomorrow Grey's Anatomy Chronicles Shanners Beauty and the Beast Game of Thrones Gotham Salem Blindspot Bitten Tabloid Horror/Penny Horror/Dread Tales Heartbreaking Merlin Ghost Whisperer Humans Whispering Witches of East End Constantine Lucifer Eternity Legend of the Seeker Hercules' Wonderful Journeys Xena Warrior Princess Call of Blood True Blood 4400 Rebellious Spirit 100 Labors of Eddie McDowd Smallville Punisher Wretched Ellen and guys Friends Devils The Secret Circle Movies: Star Wars Harry Potter The Tenth Kingdom Journey of the Unicorn Persia Jackson Clash of the Titans Wrath of the Titans Timeless: The Ruby Book Timeless: The Sapphire Book Timeless: The Emerald Book The Healer: Avicenna's Disciple A list of similar films and series can be found on the following sites: KinoPoisk, Google, Yandex, Kinogo, Imhonet, Film-Like... Google is still full of sites with a list of similar films and series.

natalia tokmakova
The Vampire Diaries