About the movie *twilight*. Please tell me when the movie *twilight 6* will be released?

 Alina Kireychikova
About the movie *twilight*. Please tell me when the movie *twilight 6* will be released?


Susan Hamming
In fact, it's almost impossible to say for sure. True or not, we will only know with time. In the meantime, here's what they write: Recently, Stephanie Meyer admitted in an interview that she is going to do part 6 of twilight because she was offered a large fee.

NEVER my dear. They closed it after 3 and 4 parts turned out to be a complete failure.

Viktor Safronov
they say twilight 6 will be released in 2017

Veronika Kiossevskaya
You have to wait. Stephenie Meyer is writing book 6. And notice. The question was asked 1 year ago! It's 2016 now!!!

Larisa Denisyuk
Yes, when they are already removed, they promise, but they themselves do not remove the book of twilight, it has long been released, I have already read it

removed ... by 2017)

Nadezhda Nikolaeva
Twilight 6 will hit TV for the first time in spring 2018.

Irina Sanina
Twilight 6 is yet to be announced, but let's hope they come out!

Masha Salova
they promised that twilight 6 will come out in 2017

Gulnara Gutova
I hope that soon, because last year they promised that DUSK 6 will be released in 2016 on March 27 or 29. AND IT DID NOT COME OUT!!!!

Venera Romanovskaya
no point in making a sequel. twilight won back, everything that will happen next, if it happens, is nonsense. does not make any sense, it will be a failure. waste of money and time. we can only fantasize ourselves and imagine what will happen to the heroes next.

Alinochka Anakina

Reading the book in the sixth part

Svetka Schmidt
Book 6 released? where when? where to find?

Will be released in 2016. I'm looking forward to...

Anna Gribanowa
should have come out in 2016 but delayed 2017 will come out for sure.

Natalya Kazeka
it will be released on March 16, 2017

Ekaterina Afonasova
the book is already there

Alina Osokina
she may not come out robert refused

Martina Stoessel
how is that why robert refused?

Kira Nikitina
I will simply punish everyone if nothing happens in 2017 .-.

Valeriia Kiosse
in 2017 more is unknown.

Svetlana Safronova
yes they will come out in 2017

Yulia Chernykh
In 2017.

Christina Ufimtseva
aaaaaaaaaa i'll just wait

Olya Bondarenko

lilia shaidullova
I don't think the actors are coming back!

julia mednikova
there are two options, either it won’t be and the production was closed or it will be at the end of 2017 earlier and not wait

Leyla Irzaeva
We can only hope that it will come out. because it’s not clear, they said that it will be released in 2016, but now it’s 2017, they wrote that the production was closed since 2012, but there is a book, but there is a film ... BUT EVERYONE SAYS THAT THE TYPE WILL BE COMING OUT AT THE END OF 2017, SO THAT REMAINS HOPE!!!

Nikolai Krifonogov
Twilight: Sunset of Eternity will be released in 2018. So wait a long time

in 2018 it will be released, I have been waiting for them for a long time too

Twilight 6 - Sunset of Eternity - will be released on November 16, 2017 (that is, this year). But before 2017 the film can not wait!

Do not carry unreasoned nonsense. There will be no continuation. Stephenie Meyer Confirms 'Twilight' Sequel Starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Canceled 'Twilight' fans were thrilled when they learned that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson could be in the new 'Twilight' movie. However, novelist Stephenie Meyer has confirmed that she is done with the Twilight book and its characters. During her previous interview with Variety, Mayer said she would refrain from creating new parts of the romantic novel, which has been adapted into a blockbuster saga. The writer added that in the future she expects to return to the world of the human-vampire romance saga only when Edward Cullen (played by Pattinson in the film), Jacob Black (played by Taylor Lautner) and Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart) die. “In three paragraphs of my blog, it says which of the characters died. And then she adds, “I want to pay attention to other worlds, like Middle-earth.” "I'm getting further away [from Twilight] every day," Mayer admitted. “I don’t enjoy it anymore.”

Varenka Zagoskin
it means there will be no twilight 6

Ivan Shamshin
I don't care, I hope that will be)

stas stas
twilight 6 sunset of eternity won't come out because robert and kristen refused to film!

Katya Ai
Hope it comes out

Alexandra (Tsybina Alexandra)
they came out i saw

Anastasia Popova

Nastya Lobikova
Twilight 6 will be released: April 14, 2018

Ruslan Sattarov supersu
Do not mind it

it's 50/50 here. The filming process was officially closed, and Robert Pattinson refused to participate in the filming. But if we take the end of the fifth part, then we can safely say that there will be a sixth part, since there is a reference in the fifth part.


RUS: testsoch.info/173755137-po-povodu-film-sumerki.html