What can be seen in the likeness of Twilight, The Vampire Diaries. (Series)

 Lisa Klimkova
What can be seen in the likeness of Twilight, The Vampire Diaries. (Series)
I want to see something mystical like werewolves and vampires)


The Wolf series.

Marina Kuptsova
"The Originals" series about the original vampires

Ivan Ivanov
http://kinoprosmotr.net/serial/2294-strela.html arrow - the series is good

Elena Yusupova
series "secret circle"

there is a very hilarious parody of "Twilight", if you like them, then I advise you to look, it's called "Vampires suck"

It seemed to me that the film "The Warmth of Our Bodies" is very reminiscent of the essence of "Twilight" - the love of a dead man and a beauty)

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